
Old-fashioned Secure Coding training programs with multiple-choice quizzes, boring slideshows and bland videos can be described in one word – ineffective!

Today’s expanding threat landscape requires secure coding practices and developers who can stay ahead of threats. And this requires hands-on practice, not boring theory; and practical, modern examples, not examples that were relevant 20 years ago.

SecureFlag provides a powerful and user-friendly way for enterprises to strengthen their secure coding practices. Developers, DevOps and QA engineers learn secure coding at their own pace with updated examples and hands-on practice that improves their competency and prepares the organization to confidently achieve its business goals.

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Our vision & mission
Software is only as powerful as the coding practices that drive its development, and only as competent as the developers who work on it. That is why we want to create a more secure digital world where software can thrive and solve a variety of world-changing problems. We believe that all of this can only be achieved through learning that’s rooted in practice and focused on the individual. And we walk this talk by empowering developers with secure coding skills that they can apply from the very first keystroke.
Investors and partners
An initiative as ambitious and future focused as ours needs advocates and champions to flourish. Our supportive investors and partners passionately believe that our platform is the answer to the critical challenge that many organizations face today – how can we code securely and develop cutting-edge software in the current threat landscape . Thanks to the support of these visionaries, we can dedicate our focus on building a platform that delivers real results, not only for companies and development teams, but also for software users and ultimately, for all digital citizens.
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